About the Competition

Last year marked the 100th anniversary of the Friendship Treaty between The Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Türkiye, signed in 1924. To celebrate this milestone, the Netherlands Embassy in Ankara and the Netherlands Consulate General in Istanbul contributed to a wide range of activities, including this photo competition.

The partnership between the Netherlands and Türkiye has deep historical roots. Diplomatic ties were first established in 1612, when Cornelius Haga became the first Envoy of the Dutch Republic to the Ottoman Empire. The connection between the two nations strengthened over time, culminating in several significant agreements including the 1924 Friendship Treaty. This year also marks the 60th anniversary of the Turkish-Dutch Labour Agreement, which facilitated the arrival of Turkish workers to the Netherlands. Nowadays, up to half a million people in the Netherlands have Turkish roots. Our relationship is multifaceted, extending from our extensive trade relations and our collaboration as NATO-allies to the deep personal and family ties between our nations.

To celebrate this special friendship, we are organizing a photography contest with the theme of ‘Friendship’ to make the bond between the two countries visible on the 100th anniversary of the friendship agreement. With this contest, we aim to use the art of photography to reflect on the concept of friendship. Each photo confirms this friendship and reminds us that they go beyond borders.  The impressive aspect of art makes everything that relates to friendship visible. It can fit into a single photograph and create lasting memories.

We have formed a selective jury consisting of experienced and professional photographers. We welcome the participation of professional and amateur photographers from all over the world, in addition to those from the Netherlands and Türkiye. We are confident that the contest will further increase cultural interaction between the two countries and contribute to the existing friendly relationship.